Obituary presentation providing tips on finding obituaries via presenter Cheryl Herrmann.
Obituaries are valuable genealogy resources to identify ancestors and trace lineages. This presentation provides numerous tips to finding obituaries, both online and offline, without cost, through obituary websites, public library resources, genealogy databases, local newspapers, cemeteries, funeral homes, and popular genealogy websites. Presenter Cheryl Herrmann has been working on genealogy projects for over 50 years and has published over 100 family histories, nearly all of them can be found in EVPL’s digital archive and by going to the Family History Collection folder.
Opened in April of 2005, EVPL North Park is located on 960 Koehler Dr. and was constructed in a manner that resembles great lodges found in National Parks. With both children’s and adult’s towers, EVPL North Park boasts a ceiling high stone fireplace, an enclosed outdoor patio, public access computers, and public meeting and study room areas.