**Please note food will be present. If you have a food allergy, please contact 812-428-8233 for more information.
Due to the historic nature of the EVPL East, West and Stringtown buildings their meeting rooms are not fully ADA accessible. If you are interested in participating in a program that is not accessible please contact that location to arrange alternate accommodations. For current information on programming, please visit events.evpl.org.
Procedures for Stringtown’s Vegetable and Flower Share
- For anyone sharing, we ask that produce and flowers be fresh and usable. Bring items for others as though you are sharing with a favorite family member or friend.
Spoiled or overly ripe items are not suitable for the share. If you’re not sure if an item is suitable, do the self test: Would I feel comfortable and content eating this as it is or allowing my child to consume it?
- All participants who are sharing vegetables or flowers are asked to remain on-site throughout the share. If they need to leave early, we ask that they take any items they brought with them. Items for sharing may not be left unattended. Anything not taken, needs to be taken away by the person who brought it.
- Prepared foods are not able to be shared.
- Recipes may also be shared in addition to vegetables and f flowers. Other items such as seeds, clothing, canned goods, toys, equipment or diapers may not be shared. EVPL Stringtown reserves the right to restrict exchanges made on EVPL property without prior notice to the community, should issues arise.
- Items will not be sold at the vegetable and flower share. No money may exchange hands.
- Individuals are asked to take what they need, remembering that others have needs as well. While individual maximums will not be imposed (ue to differences in household composition and family size) the spirit of respectful sharing with one another should guide all interactions.
- Any items left at the Flower and Vegetable Share will be discarded by the library the same day or distributed as EVPL deems most appropriate. Sharers who leave items behind despite being asked not to (and signing an agreement to take back what they bring) will be advised that they are not allowed to return to the share for subsequent events in the 2024 season.
- All sharing must occur downstairs in the meeting room. Distributions and exchanges in the parking lot or green space are not allowed, due to safety issues for all patrons.
Each adult participating will be asked to sign a copy of the procedures. This will be kept on file at EVPL Stringtown.
Series event
6/20, 7/11, 7/25, 8/8 and 8/22 from 1-3 pm
Registration is required for anyone bringing items to share.